

We have a Target Performance Goal (TPG) for all accounts to have a maximum of 50,000 files on the account. The TPG is not an explicit limitation and is subject to change, depending on the needs and resources demanded of the server.

At this time we ask you that you please streamline your files and store only files necessary for your website. If you need assistance with removing these files or to help troubleshoot the reason for this problem we will be happy to assist you in this process.

如果超过了5万个文件数量怎么办?一般 HostMonster 客服会给你发封邮件,告诉你超限额了,让尽快将文件降低至5万以内。需要注意的是,如果你网站文件数量超过5万,那么,超出的部分 HostMonster 将不会给你备份。同样,如果你空间使用超过 30 G,超出的部分也不会给你备份,注意!不要奇怪为什么文件数据突然丢失了,没备份到。