
查看域常见问题解答。如果 Bluehost 是您的 DNS 托管提供商,请按照本文中的步骤验证您的域并为电子邮件、Skype for Business Online 等设置 DNS 记录。If Bluehost is your DNS hosting provider, follow the steps in this article to verify your domain and set up DNS records for email, Skype for Business Online, and so on.在 Bluehost 中添加这些记录后,您的域将设置为与 Microsoft 服务一起使用。After you add these records at Bluehost, your domain will be set up to work with Microsoft services.Typically it takes about 15 minutes for DNS changes to take effect.Typically it takes about 15 minutes for DNS changes to take effect.

但是,有时可能需要更长时间,您所做的更改才会在 Internet 的 DNS 系统中更新。However, it can occasionally take longer for a change you’ve made to update across the Internet’s DNS system.如果在添加 DNS 记录后遇到邮件流问题或其他问题,请参阅查找在添加域或 DNS 记录后遇到的问题并进行修复。If you’re having trouble with mail flow or other issues after adding DNS records, see Find and fix issues after adding your domain or DNS records.在将域用于 Microsoft 之前,必须确保你拥有该域。如果你能够在域注册机构处登录到你的帐户并创建 DNS 记录,便可向 Microsoft 证明你是域所有者。Before you use your domain with Microsoft, we have to make sure that you own it.

Your ability to log in to your account at your domain registrar and create the DNS record proves to Microsoft that you own the domain.此记录仅用于验证您是否拥有自己的域;它不会影响其他任何内容。如果需要,您可以以后将其删除。This record is used only to verify that you own your domain; it doesn’t affect anything else.You can delete it later, if you like.要开始,请使用此链接转到您在 Bluehost 上的域页面。To get started, go to your domains page at Bluehost by using this link.系统将会提示您先登录。You’ll be prompted to log in first.在” 域”页面上的” 域”区域中,找到你要更改的域所在的行,然后选中该域对应的复选框。

On the domains page, in the domain area, find the row for the domain that you’re changing, and then select the check box for that domain.(您可能需要向下滚动。区域的 ” DNS 区域编辑器” 行中,选择 “管理 DNS 记录”。DNS Zone Editor row, select Manage DNS records.注意: 这是一个示例。Note: This is an example.在这里使用表中的特定“目标地址或指向的地址”值。Use your specific Destination or Points to Address value here, from the table.如何查找此项?How do I find this?选择 “添加记录”。请在继续之前等待数分钟,以便您刚刚创建的记录可以通过 Internet 完成更新。Wait a few minutes before you continue, so that the record you just created can update across the Internet.